Emotional Intelligence, Change, & Staying The Same Walked Into A Bar...

Emotional Intelligence, Change, & Staying The Same Walked Into A Bar...

What a difference a year (or TEN) makes…

 AND, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

This month marks just over one year's time frame of the COVID global pandemic’s devastating impact on our country and local community.  It also marks the 10 year anniversary of Alison Sullivan and Associates. This past year has been, by far the most challenging in our 10 year history, from EVERY perspective, as a small business owner, as a mental health clinician, and as a person. I’ve learned more about how to pivot, to innovate, to let go, to surrender, to grieve, to rest, to dig deep, to protect and to heal in this past year than probably the last 10 combined. As I’m sure many of you have.

So, yes indeed, what a difference a year makes.  

I feel like, as a business, in relationship to COVID, we are restabilizing, restoring, recreating and expanding. I know that I am really aware of applying all that I’ve transformed in the past year to bring more knowledge, understanding, discernment and love to what I do moving forward in this new world we live in.

At the same time, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Specifically, what I mean, is that the more seemingly unique challenges I face, as a person or business owner,  the more I understand that emotional intelligence is a HUGE factor in whether I develop more resiliency in the face of the challenges.

Research continues to show that Emotional intelligence (EQ) helps you to acknowledge and process emotions without allowing them to hijack your life and your other relationships.  EQ helps you to navigate conflict in ways that actually improve relationships and enables you to understand others’ feelings while you set boundaries with empathy to create a space for healing safe connection.  It releases you from the pain of trauma bonds, codependency and the drama cycle, all of which impair your ability to truly connect with yourself and others. 

Sounds great right

There are 5 primary domains of EQ; self awareness, self regulation, self motivation, empathy and managing conflict

Self awareness comprises three aspects. Emotional awareness is knowing what you are feeling and being able to label it accurately.  Self assessment is being able to understand your strengths, weaknesses and how you are showing up in interactions. Confidence is the attitude of believing in your ability to learn, grow, understand and master. 

Self regulation, as its name implies is about the ability to notice what you are feeling AND managing the flow of that energy reducing the likelihood of impulsivity, blaming and deflecting.  This skill is particularly powerful in helping us develop shame resilience

Self motivation is harnessing the force that influences you to take action. For many people external factors such as approval from others, acceptance, acknowledgement, form the bulk of motivation.  Self motivation includes intrinsic motivation, the ability to understand and know who you are so that your choices align with your beliefs, values and goals. Of course we need belonging with others, but often we sacrifice internal belonging for external acceptance and that pattern can cause a lot of difficulties.

Empathy, the fourth EQ domain, is an actual magic wand in life.  When we view ourselves through a compassionate, non judgemental lens and offer that same lens to others it fosters a deep sense of being seen, heard and valued both within yourself and in your relationships with others

Lastly, managing conflict, is about being able to navigate your interpersonal interactions with others in an attuned manner (based on the other 4 skills) to honor diversity, utilize flexibility and adaptability to evolve and solve the issues that arise when we try to live alongside other people.

All this month we are highlighting each of these domains throughout our social media and on our podcast.  If EQ is something you are looking to develop in your life then we’ve got you.  Give us a follow on our social media and we look forward to meeting you along the way of our shared journey to more connection and deeper belonging to ourselves and others.

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