Psychotherapy Myth 1: Only "Crazy People" Go to Therapy

Psychotherapy Myth 1: Only "Crazy People" Go to Therapy

I absolutely cannot speak for other therapists or where they stand on these myths associated with psychotherapy.


This new blog series is about dispelling psychotherapy myths based on how I practice and based upon how I view psychotherapy as an integrative therapist.


Sooooooo….. here we go.

We’re diving deep right away, because there is no sense in wasting your time.


To be completely vulnerable with you, I got a little angry even typing out the phrase “crazy people”, it’s derogative and demeans the very legitimate struggles we ALL experience as human beings. Every person encounters a struggle or trial at some point in their lives, and it is okay, essential even, to seek out guidance from a counselor during the times we feel stuck.


In my downtown Fredericksburg practice, we come from the perspective that psychotherapy and counseling is a sacred space to find guidance and support in not only RESOLVING grief and trauma, but also INTEGRATING new aspects of self and gaining UNDERSTANDING and SELF AWARENESS about life transitions from a holistic lens.


As licensed clinicians and actual human beings, we deeply believe in the inherent worth and dignity of individuals. Stemming from that foundational belief, we also believe people are strong enough to acknowledge patterns of thinking and patterns of behavior that do not support who they are becoming and how they want to contribute in their unique lives.


AND we believe in empowering people.

Empowering people to learn how to support their health holistically is one of primary objectives as counselors. We see therapy as part of a good comprehensive health care, therefore we operate and advocate to break the stigma associated with mental health care.

I guess in short it boils down to, we love people.


We really love people, and we believe in the worth of people and and that all people can benefit from psychotherapy that respects the adaptive power which every single human being possesses.


Counseling works and you aren’t “crazy”.

Psychotherapy Myth #2: I Don't Need Therapy I Can Just Talk to My Friends

Psychotherapy Myth #2: I Don't Need Therapy I Can Just Talk to My Friends

Food & Mood: Is It Really That Simple?

Food & Mood: Is It Really That Simple?