213: Dr. Brian Keenan, N.D.- Herbal Healing 101

213: Dr. Brian Keenan, N.D.- Herbal Healing 101

Research suggests approximately 70% of people are using herbal supplements, so we are discussing the ESSENTIALS of herbs for mental health and wellness with Dr. Brian, a local Fredericksburg Naturopathic doctor.  Learn how to include herbs in your mental wellness self-care basket safely, AND effectively.

Show Notes:

00:01 Introduction

01:26 Why of the Podcast

04:26 Meet Brian Keenan

07:45 Basics of Herbs for Mental Health

10:10 Calm, Cool, Collected Tea

15:35 Three BIG Weird Words

26:00 Why Tell your Physician about Herbal Supplements You Are Taking

28:20 New to Herbs? Brian’s Top 5 Herbs for Mental Health

32:20 Q&A

Mentioned Resources:

Alison’s favorite Episode: 207: The Low Down on Let Down

Brian’s Herbal Care Basket for Mental Health hand out:

214: Letting Go of Limited Thinking

214: Letting Go of Limited Thinking

212: Empathy- The Magic Wand

212: Empathy- The Magic Wand