Choose to Bloom

Choose to Bloom

In the middle of a recent Reiki attunement, regular attunements are a vital aspect of my self care as a therapist, I heard the sentence “Choose to bloom.” so clearly in my mind. Although it’s typical for me to get clarity about various aspects of my life during these attunements, singular sentences that ground the entire session are a fairly new trend, in another recent attunement I heard, “Hold the line, and stand your ground”, but more on that in another blog.

I sunk down into the concept of the sentence, choose to bloom, and overlaid it onto experiences I've had as a flower grower, experiences I’ve witnessed as a therapist and experiences I’ve had and witnessed because I’m a human, living a life. The powerful truth in that simple sentence was deeply apparent across all of them. 

As a flower grower, (and social worker) I understand the importance of soil.  Soil is the foundation that nourishes the potential of the flower seed. If the soil is depleted or imbalanced, the seed will not absorb enough nutrients to germinate and grow into its potential, much like people. So I care for the soil I plant my flowers in.  Once the seeds germinate and become seedlings, they need water, sunlight, extra nutrients and support during various stages of growth and development, again similar to people.

I take pride in the care and attention I provide my flowers across all of their growth cycles. But there comes a time in a flower’s development where fertilizing it, or attending to it in other ways, creates confusion in the flower’s energy and can lead to the flower not blooming, it may bud, but the bloom won’t mature and open. Many times, in fact most of the time, when growing flowers, this is where the magic is so loud and spectacular that it highlights the truth of that sentence, you have to choose to bloom. Overnight, in the secrecy of darkness, many flowers will open their blooms to greet you in the morning sunlight, others begin in the morning with a bud and by the end of a sunny day, have opened into a full beautiful bloom.  On their own, they harnessed all the growth that gave them the energy and understanding, the support and timing to bloom. It truly feels like they do choose to bloom.

I think we are the same.  At some point, we understand the soil of our lives, its issues, its beneficial aspects and at that point we can amend the soil, enrich it and rebalance it so we can grow, heal, nurture and support ourselves. That’s when we begin a blooming cycle.  If we become too attached to healing, repairing, nurturing, we will confuse our energies and delay our ability to bloom into the full potential of what we have been growing in ourselves and in our lives. It doesn’t mean that there won’t be another season of growing and healing, rather it means, we also have to allow ourselves to bloom into the expression of the growth that has already occurred.

How do you recognize when it’s time?

Essentially, your gut knows, that deep inner wisdom and your connection to it, knows. You’ve done the repairs, you can see and document the work you’ve done because there is evidence EVERYWHERE, and you probably feel a little afraid or maybe doubtful to step into the fullness of that work, which is the bloom.  It’s potential energy that is able to be expressed in a beautiful way in the physical world.  Every part of you knows, the ingredients, the structures, the space is there, you just have to choose it. 

That’s when you’re in your blooming cycle.

That’s when it's time.

If this resonates with you, I encourage you to choose to bloom. Trust that you’re ready. It’s time, you deserve to feel the full expression of all the work you’ve done and the world needs to see your beautiful bloom. 

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