2021 Reflections: Learning How To Lean In & Unlearning The Resistance In Letting Go

2021 Reflections: Learning How To Lean In & Unlearning The Resistance In Letting Go

This year I’ve struggled with how to authentically and accurately write a year end reflection; mainly because it wasn’t coming out in “the form I’m used to”, so I let go of what it “needed” to be and allowed it to be what it is.  This year, I’m sharing some things I’ve learned and relearned, what I’m letting go of more readily and what I’m leaning into more often. Because noticing life in this way, doesn’t feel rigid and restrictive; instead, it feels open and more honest

What have I learned and relearned?

That adapting to change with openness fuels creativity and lessens anxiety.

That I value the willingness to continually grow even more than I realized.

That for me, right now, acceptance is more useful than forgiveness. It is a process that liberates me from pain; and includes acknowledgement and accountability for the harm done.

That fear and shame create so much pain and disconnection.

That I love listening to podcasts.

That interdependence is the truth. Independence is an illusion. Conscious interdependence fosters deep belonging. 

That chronic suppression of self is the loss I grieve over most in my life. 

That kindness is active and courageous. And kindness is not niceness.

What am I letting go of more?







What am I leaning into?




The magic of flowers.







To our client community, thank you from the very center of my heart for inviting me to walk alongside you, it is a sacred invitation that I honor.

To our social media community, thanks for taking your valuable time to look at our stories, watch our videos and engage with our posts.  We work hard to bring valuable content because we value you and the importance of your energy investment on behalf of your mental health.

To the Fredericksburg community, we get to work in, thanks for taking such good care of us for another year.  We sure do love being here.

Happy New Year everyone.

The Process of Change

The Process of Change

Mindful Movement

Mindful Movement